
Embracing a life abroad.

Hi, I’m Noelle. A born and bred Toronto native and marketing professional. In 2018, I chose to pack up my bags and take the leap to move abroad to the UK. This started an incredible journey of self discovery and development. Now, I want to help other women find inspiration, support and practical resources to begin a new life, in a new place abroad.

Let your journey of growth begin…

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Facing Your Fears and Taking a Leap!

Jessica shares how she faced her fears and took the leap to start a new life and adventure in the UK. In Toronto, I saw sameness… The status quo. In the UK, I saw excitement, growth, the opportunity to explore a new a place, a new relationship, and so much more. I embraced the fear…

Living Out Loud: A Truly Expat Experience

Sharifa has travelled and lived all over the world from the Outback of Australia to Africa, Latin America & Europe! Read as she shares her life lessons and memorable experiences as an expat. “For me, when life becomes too routine I start planning my next escape. There is always an adventure on the horizon.” Let’s…

Summers in Italy to Volunteering in South America

Palak shares her expat life takeaways from her time spent in Italy and South America “Language can be a barrier, but everywhere I went people were so friendly. They would try and help out when they could and invite me to social gatherings with their local groups. I always felt welcomed.” Let’s start at the…

From China to NZ: Expat Experiences amidst COVID

“I would say the most rewarding thing has been seeing myself grow so much as a person. Sounds super cliche but moving abroad can change your whole perspective on life.” Jenna, Age 22 Let’s start at the beginning: Where are you originally from? When did you move abroad and where did you move abroad to?…

Finding A Sense of Home, Abroad

Vanessa shares her journey migrating to the UK, the struggles she’s overcomed and her process for building stability overseas. “The most rewarding thing for me is just being in the city that I’ve always wanted to live in. No matter how hard life gets, sometimes I stop and look around at the city I’ve chosen…

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